How to Ace Your Upcoming Interview

Are you feeling nervous about an upcoming interview that’s approaching closer and closer? Maybe you’re experiencing unwanted flashbacks of the anxiety you felt leading to your last one? Our team at Buckeye BBC wants to help you push this fear aside and leave you with steps you can take to feel confident before your next interaction with a potential employer. Now, let’s get started!

A Week Before the Interview

As people say, knowledge is power. With multiple days on your hands before the big day, help yourself succeed by becoming knowledgeable about the company’s history, mission, services, client base, and, of course, the open job position. The biggest key to walking in with confidence is knowing where you are. Utilize social media and the internet to get a feel for the type of industry you are looking at and the culture of this company. Would you be a good fit? Do you see yourself growing in this environment? Do you see yourself bringing something new and different to the table? Familiarize yourself with the company culture, and consider how your presence can elevate the business, and be ready to sell that.

Night Before the Interview

The last thing you want to do is wake up in a rush and show up to the interview exhausted, hungry, and ultimately unfocused. To avoid this scenario, we encourage you to get a good night’s sleep. Proper rest will allow you to give your best on the big day. Before you turn out the lights, make sure you look up the business’s location and understand how long it will take to get you there. Factor in potential traffic and gauge when you need to leave to arrive 15 minutes early. You also want to give yourself enough time to eat a good breakfast or lunch before hitting the road so that you’re energized, and your focus is only on the meeting.

Additionally, we encourage you to plan your outfit the night before, so no issues arise the day of. As we all know, picking an appropriate outfit is an imperative part of acing the interview. After all, you only get one chance to make a lasting first impression. Aside from a tuxedo or a ball gown, it is nearly impossible to over-dress. Take the opportunity to show your personal sense of style, while also maintaining professionalism. Have fun with it and be yourself. Now, turn off the lights and get some rest!

Day of the Interview

It’s the big day! Now that you’ve woken up with enough time to get ready, have breakfast, and arrive 15 minutes early, it’s time to focus on what happens during the meeting. At Buckeye BBC, we have compiled these simple yet effective tips to follow throughout the interview process:

  • Have a firm handshake
  • Maintain strong eye contact
  • Listen fully to the interviewer when they speak, then follow up with questions
  • Stay actively engaged in the conversation
  • Afterward, thank them for their time

Day After the Interview

If we know one thing to be accurate, it is the power of the follow-up. People tend to be apprehensive when it comes to follow-ups. They are afraid to “bug” the interviewer or to annoy them beyond the point of consideration. Never be scared of being “pushy” or “aggressive.” Interviewers and company heads tend to appreciate the follow-up email or call, as it shows a genuine interest on behalf of the interviewer. Showing a drive and passion for this specific job opportunity is a tactic that can not be understated; however, it is often ignored by applicants. Follow up, and follow up again. You’ve got this!

When You Get the Job

You did it, you aced the interview, and got the dream job. Pat yourself on the back! Don’t rest for too long, though; you’ve got a career to build. At Buckeye BBC, we know that your future will be even brighter than this moment of success. Congratulations on working hard, preparing for the interview, applying these tips, and making your goal come to fruition.

From all of us here at Buckeye BBC, we wish you the best of luck on your following interview and hope you snag the dream job! For more helpful tips like these, be sure to give us a “like” on Facebook!

Originally published at on July 30, 2021.



Buckeye Better Business Consulting

Headquartered in Columbus, OH, Buckeye Better Business Consulting is a sales firm with a mission to build better businesses for better results.