Lessons From a Leader: Bradley Hashim’s Story

Buckeye BBC’s incredible Assistant Manager, Bradley Hashim, has spent the year working tirelessly to keep business moving and maintaining drive inside our office. The leader recently attended a virtual training seminar called Business Building Blocks, where he continued planting the seeds for future growth. Ahead of the holiday season, we sat down with him to discuss life, business, and the lessons learned at the recent training seminar.

How was the training seminar? Tell us about it!

“Business Building Blocks was a great experience. It was an awesome way to network with the other Assistant Managers and Managers across the country that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. I gained a lot of knowledge about the industry’s current state and got some great material to share with my team. It was a bummer not being able to fly to LA and meet people in person, but there’s always next year.”

How did you end up in the business world?

“I considered a few different options when it came to my career. As a child, I thought I would become a professional dancer. In college, I studied criminal justice, but decided not to pursue that after my internship experience. Initially, my focus was on saving money and moving out of Toledo, but once I saw the big picture with this opportunity, I decided to go full-out. I took a leap of faith and moved out of my hometown. I had zero experience coming into this, so it’s taken some time for me to find my footing, but I am the kind of person that perseveres until I get it, then dominates.”

What makes you a strong Assistant Manager?

“I bring a level of excitement and passion to everything I do. I am very passionate about being there for my people here at Buckeye BBC, coaching them, and assisting with whatever they need. I am passionate about giving back to the community and supporting the less fortunate.”

How has your leadership changed in response to the pandemic?

“In the words of Michael Jordan, I lead from the front and never ask anyone to do something that I am not willing to do. We’ve focused on what we have in our office, and that’s our team. We worked through a lot of leadership development during the quarantine, reached out to the unemployed in our community, and offered them an opportunity to recover. More people are looking for a career now than ever, and I am looking forward to continued growth in the coming years. I turned my focus to my team and prioritized their goals over mine, which was very rewarding.”

What are your goals for the future?

“By 2025, I want to pay off my mom’s mortgage, and I want to be living in Chicago, which is my favorite city.”

One of the most inspiring things Brad Hashim has taught the Buckeye BBC team is to continue growing. Even as a leader in this office, Hashim believes he has not hit his peak. “I believe I haven’t hit my greatest accomplishment yet,” says Hashim, “I always feel like there is more to do and bigger things to accomplish.” Whether it’s working to move out of his hometown, leading a team through a global pandemic, or taking care of the people around him, one thing is for sure — Bradley Hashim doesn’t quit.



Buckeye Better Business Consulting

Headquartered in Columbus, OH, Buckeye Better Business Consulting is a sales firm with a mission to build better businesses for better results.