Life After Graduation — Tips From Our Experienced Team

Graduates, you can let out a long, accomplished breath because you did it. You’ve put in the hours, gained a ton of knowledge, and hit every requirement; you are officially a college graduate. How does it feel? When we were in your shoes, it was hard to eloquently describe how it felt to walk across the stage. Looking back, we realize it was equal measures of excitement, relief, pride, and fear. Since the start, we’ve been working on a predetermined timeline. There was never a moment when we had to guess what the next chapter would look like. But, once we received our diploma, all of that changed. Our futures were in our hands and for us to plan. Does this sound familiar?

The first thing our team here at Buckeye BBC wants to share is that your overwhelming desire to know what to do next is common. Everyone feels the same, even if your peers are trying to mask it. It’s normal to want the comfort of not having to make life-altering decisions. However, this is your first glimpse into the “real world.

You have full autonomy of your life, and while that sounds invigorating, it’s also a ton of pressure.


Today, we are going to share two pieces of post-graduate advice that we think will help you release your worries and embrace what’s to come!

Feel confident in your timeline

As we mentioned, you’ve been living your life on the timeline that society gave you since you were born. They let you know when you were to start school, when you got breaks, and even when you were to graduate from high school and college. You’ve never had the responsibility of being in charge of your journey, but that stops now. We know that it’s going to be challenging not to compare yourself and your path to that of your peers, but to excel long-term, you have to set your own pace. Otherwise, you’ll end up in a position that you hate or will burn yourself out. You’re a new graduate, embrace this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and weigh your options. This is your time to build new paths, to find what you’re passionate about, and to discover your “why!”

Lean on your mentors

You’ve spent years building a network full of educators that are experts in their collective fields. However, have you ever stopped to think about the other skills they’ve accrued over the years, such as writing resumes and cover letters and interviewing? While you may have thought that your time with these individuals has come to an end, you’re dead wrong. Utilize this network that you’ve built and lean on these mentors to help you in this next chapter of your life. Many of you have never interviewed before. Instead of going in blind, prepare ahead of time by having others read over your resume and cover letter, practice interviewing, and help you pick out a sharp, land the job outfit. You are not in this alone. Be open to the help others are willing to give!

Our team members here at Buckeye BBC have all stood exactly where you are right now; on the divide between school and reality. Know that once you decide to take that first step forward, the real fun begins.

For more advice, follow us on Instagram@buckeyebbc!



Buckeye Better Business Consulting

Headquartered in Columbus, OH, Buckeye Better Business Consulting is a sales firm with a mission to build better businesses for better results.